Sep 4Liked by Wendy

“The process of having to figure out who to call and vetting contractors and getting multiple estimates and figuring out how to hide the fact that I am a dumb dumb so I don’t get taken advantage of feels like a part-time job that I don’t have time for).”

This, this, THIS! 👏🏻

You know what occurred to me as I was reading this? I really wish we were next door neighbours. I do love my life here but I think it would be at minimum 25% better if you were my next door neighbour. Just think, our sons would play football (soccer) together and our daughters would make friendship bracelets together, and I would have much more toned abs just from laughing so much. 😆 Sometimes I can’t actually believe that I haven’t met your husband. I know I would like him a whole lot. At least we have Substack and WhatsApp. It’s better than nothing! ❤️

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One of the real heartbreaks of adult life is knowing that you'll never, ever get to live in the same place as all the people you love. It's very unfair. Also, I feel a little bad that you got the most time with me when I was kind of at my most annoying stage and now I'm a real delight and we are on opposite sides of the ocean. Booo.

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I thought you were a delight then!

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Sep 4Liked by Wendy

I super agree. This world hinges on people being raised to be responsible, and raising our kids the same way. It’s been a dark time having people in charge who only wanted to enrich themselves and a few others. I think Biden had an extraordinarily hard job to bat cleanup after that, and I commend him for righting the ship. I feel that included stepping down to let others be the muscle we need to make things better than they were. I’m not looking for magical unicorn action here; I just want people who want to do the work. I loved the ending of the movie “Sully”, where he commented to the feds about how lives were saved because of *all* of the people who did. their. jobs. It sounds simple, but for a society it’s really profound.

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I don’t even live in the US and I’m comforted by Tim! I feel like this could be a whole series where you look at life problems through the lens of “Are you there, Tim Walz? It’s me, Wendy.”

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