Can I just say, as a dentist, I really appreciate a positive story about us for once? I think of the level of care I give my patients and we still usually just get criticized for being too expensive, or overdiagnosing or being sadists. There are a lot of truly good practitioners out there. Thank you.

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My dentist is honestly one of the nicest medical providers I've ever had. As someone who drew the genetic short straw and has not great teeth, it has made all the difference in the world to know he wasn't judging me and was really trying to work with me to figure out how to make all of it less awful. Being a dentist has to be stressful, especially since so many people have a fear factor of seeing you... so on behalf of us scaredy cats, thank you for being kind and caring!

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I love my dentists! They (husband and wife) are kind, professional, and like to chat, which I love. The main reason I picked them was because the receptionist (the dentist's sister) responded to a fake Google review with such force, I knew this was the practice for me but I stay for all the above reasons. Also, they don't do any work before showing you a print out of exactly how much things will cost. Hooray for wonderful dentists!

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May 5Liked by Wendy

I gave birth to my son at home and my labour sped up suddenly so we called EMTs because they could get there faster than the midwife could. The EMTs offered me nitrous oxide. I inhaled once and everything in my vision went purple. I HATED it. I’ll never do nitrous oxide again if I can help it. (I’m glad it works for you, though!)

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This is kind of how I feel about oxycodone and most narcotic pills. They make me feel so awful and barfy that I can't imagine why people take them for fun.

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I think the people who abuse them don’t get barfy like some us (me).They get a warm and cozy (but brief) euphoria that feels like release from suffering and then they pass out into oblivion for a while. High sounds like such a misnomer to me—they seem to be going quite low overall. I think it’s a misfortune that they don’t react with nausea, because it’s a great deterrent.

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I appreciated the McSweeney's Mad Libs that came out last week.


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